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TMJ Disorder & Treatment

For patients with disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), splint therapy can often deliver much-needed relief. A properly adjusted occlusal splint does more than just protect the teeth. By covering up the areas of the top teeth that normally guide the bottom teeth and jaw into a non-ideal bite, the jaw can relax into a more comfortable and stable position. This, in turn, prevents clenching and grinding and often relieves jaw and facial tension.

Not only is occlusal therapy therapeutic, but it is also diagnostic as well. Dr. Harrell may prescribe splint therapy as a prerequisite for patients seeking orthodontic treatment who have signs of TMJ disorder. By wearing an occlusal splint as directed, a patient’s natural “true” bite may be unmasked. This serves as a more appropriate starting point for orthodontic treatment and ultimately results in a more stable result.


a.     Usually, a Lower Orthotic Splint is used that protects the TMJs, unloads the pressure on the joints and muscles and keeps the jaw from going backwards to protect the nerves, ligaments and blood vessels

b.     These splints are usually worn FULL TIME for a few weeks or months, depending how your body reacts to these stabilization procedures. Then we slowly go to Night Time wear and/or daytime as needed.

c.     Remove “ lower or upper teeth non-ideal bite “  ?????? not sure of this sentence

d.     Remove “prevents” change to manages clenching, grinding and overloading

Why Choose Harrell Orthodontics Specialist for TMJ treatment?

The temporomandibular joint both rotates and slides and is, therefore, the most complicated joint in the body. Splint therapy is technique-sensitive and requires the skill of a highly trained oral health professional who can accurately assess the complications, and treatment indications within the temporomandibular joints and the surrounding muscles. Over the last 4 decades Dr. Harrell has worked, studied, and written with world-renowned TMJ specialists and has been treating patients with TMJ dysfunction for over 40 years now. Dr. Harrell continues to provide relief to patients in Alabama and all over the country with jaw pain, facial pain and TMJ dysfunction. For more information about TMJ splint and night guard therapy, contact our office today.


a.     We focus on Airway issues and TMJ issues as it relates to orthodontics and growth disturbances.

b.     Dr. Harrell has worked directly with the pioneers of Airway Focused Orthodontics, TMJ Disorders, Sleep Apnea

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